Tirion. The single source for single sign-on and user provisioning solutions.

Today's businesses require a variety of software applications and platforms to meet the demands of the marketplace. That means a proliferation of passwords, user IDs, authentication systems, provisioning approvals and more. And, since many users fill different jobs at different times using a number of applications, tracking compliance for HIPAA and Sarbanes Oxley can be a major headache. Trying to manage all these issues on your own can cost you both time and money. That's where Tirion comes in. >>>>

With Tirion, one act of authorization gives users access to appropriate computers and systems without the hassles of multiple usernames and passwords. So there’s less human error, a major component of system failure. The system also records compliance and allows for updates and additions as your situation changes.

Tirion Automated Identity Manager (TAIM)® solutions enable caregivers and recipients to be up and running in hours, not days. The system allows for easy updates when a user changes roles, leaves the organization or loses access to specific systems and applications. Based on Microsoft’s versatile ADFS technology, Tirion solutions offer unmatched power, compatibility and security as well as the confidence of relying on technology already used by more than 2 million health care providers and recipients. To learn more about our advanced IT solutions, click here.

Now is the time to learn how Tirion can help you operate more efficiently and achieve key business benefits.